Mitwirkende Musiker
The land within me burns
Long nights, long days
Are spent in my land
Goodbye you wonderful day
Now you are changing your dress
When my soul is touched by the formless
And night leans upon me
It grows still
The heavens and the stars above me
The wind brings me the scent
Of the sea
My thoughts are with you at the moment
It was so very wonderful
this morning I recalled
your smile, your gentleness
why did you have to leave
the land within me burns
I thought we loved each other
With the same passion in our blood
The knowledge hurts
That you are moving away from me
Farther and farther with every teat
I could not give you more
Than what I felt
I am letting my memories of you go
Piece by piece
And then I will bid farewell to your image
In my dreams
Everyone else knows better
But I feel it
My nights will grow dark again and still
But this is the only way for something new to be born
Nothing more than the light of my soul
Can still enchant my world
But the day will come
When I am ready once again to bear nearness
Yes it will come
I long for it so
To see and feel how the storm of love
rolls out
is mirrored in our eyes
yes let it happen again
Text: Urs Bader