Music: Philippe Häfliger, David Bollinger, Mike Ryrie / Lyrics: Urs Bader
It is time, leave this path,
You can change your life today
Just say, Yes I can
Go ahead, do it , don't look back, Your time is now, yeah
On such a wonderful day
Today will never come again, it is so precious, oh yeah
Don’t look back
Go now on your path, this path belongs to nobody else
but you
Don't look back
Don't go back
Don't turn back
Follow your path
Nobody else can follow it, only you, you and you alone
Oh no! Don't dream, what’s done is done
Heaven is smiling upon you
Only your heart knows why
Don’t go back, you have nothing to fear
Leave the streets of temptations
Leave thembehind you
Don’t go back, you have nothing to fear
Don't look back
Don't go back
Don't turn back
Follow your path
Leave all that shit behind you
Can you look yourself straight in the eyes?
Without lying to yourself, it hurts
Surrender, you are strong enough
You have nothing to fear
Make it easy
Don’t look back anymore
Your goal can only be freedomand love
It is time, follow this path
And you will find yourself
Go with heart and soul on your path
There is still somuch to discover
Do not look back, it is time
Open your innermost space and give your life a
new direction
You have nothing to fear, make it easy
That’s just the wonder of life and your soul
4 Give Your Life A New Chance