LevelEleven Project Connext - page 7

5 Who Am I
Music: Philippe Häfliger, David Bollinger, Urs Bader / Lyrics: Urs Bader
Where are you?
Who are you?
God, I know no one, who has ever seen you
It was just the same withmy father
Who was also not there
Never spoke withme
Can't understand it, this pain
Why? For what?
Why? Why aren't you here?
Why? Why aren't you here withme?
Why don't you show yourself?
I ambeyond your understanding
I am the light of the world
I can’t be found anywhere else
The light is my shadow
Live your life with trust
Accept the things that you cannot change
Have the courage to change the things that you can
And have the wisdom to see the difference between
the one and the other
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I really?
I am the one that I can remember
And who is the one that I have forgotten?
I would just like to livemy life
Believeme, I would givemy all for that
Please come and helpme
Cast your shadow onmy life
You, my son
Were born to live
To find answers to your questions
You are never alone
You are so full of words
You will never be alone
For I ampresent in you as well
I ampure love
My son, your thinking is limited to your short jour-
But the whole journey is without end
And believeme, so beautiful
1,2,3,4,5,6 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,...20
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